First Job


November 16, 2023


The examples introduced in this section use the debug partition to test an application launch. Remember, that the debug partition provides limited runtime, and short wall and response times in order to execute jobs on a short notice.


Display an overview of the allocatable resources from the debug partitions with the sinfo 1 command:

sinfo -lN -p debug

Following examples use a couple of environment variables to adjust the runtime configuration to a particular user environment:

# shared storage on the cluster
export LUSTRE_HOME=/lustre/$(id -g -n)/$USER

# make sure to use the debug partition for a quick allocation time

You should adjust the path referenced by $LUSTRE_HOME to your directory on shared storage, which is used as working-directory.

First Job

In case your are interested in more elaborate examples how to run applications on the cluster, we would like to draw your attention to The Virgo Blog. The cluster group plans to continually publish articles illustrating common use-cases and best practices.

Lets move you through the steps required to execute your first application (cf. batch jobs) on the cluster. Slurm expects an executable as argument to the sbatch command. Typically this is a wrapper-script including Slurm meta-commands setting runtime configuration options for Slurm and all the specifics to launch a user application.

Following is a very simplistic example of a wrapper script launching a command to identify the compute-node executing the job. Following assumes that this wrapper script code is stored in a file in your $LUSTRE_HOME working directory:

#SBATCH --output %j_%N.out
hostname ; sleep ${1:-30}

Make sure to add the executable permission to the wrapper script

chmod +x $LUSTRE_HOME/

Once you have created the file above, submit it to the SLURM workload management systems using the sbatch command. In order to simplify monitoring of this job, specify a job name with the command line option --job-name. We will use your $LUSTRE_HOME as working-directory:

# submit a job to sleep for 300 seconds
sbatch --job-name sleep --chdir $LUSTRE_HOME -- $LUSTRE_HOME/ 300

The system answers with the JOBID, if it has been accepted. The job label can be uses as option to the squeue command, which prints the state of the scheduling queue:

# list all jobs with a given name
squeue --name sleep

In the debug queue, the job-state should quickly become R for running. Of course it is possible to submit multiple jobs with the same label, but each will be identifiable by its unique JOBID. Go on and submit some more jobs with different sleep times. The scontrol command can be used to show details about the runtime configuration of a job. Jobs can be removed from the system using scancel 2.

# show the runtime configuration of the latest sleep job
scontrol show job $(squeue -h -o %A -n sleep | tail -n1)

First Issue

In case of a failure during job execution, it is important to distinguish between a problem internal to the application and an issue of the job execution. In case you want to report a problem with the runtime environment on the cluster, follow the guidelines in report-issues. For this example, we will work with a “broken” program called segfaulter, which is a variant of the famous “Hello World” program.

// segfaulter.c
int main(void)
    char *s = "hello world";
    *s = 'H';

Build an executable binary from this small C program using following commands. Execution of this program yields a segmentation fault 3 with non zero program exit code:

# Compile the program...
» gcc -g $LUSTRE_HOME/src/segfaulter.c -o $LUSTRE_HOME/bin/segfaulter

# ...and execute it
» $LUSTRE_HOME/bin/segfaulter ; echo $?
zsh: segmentation fault  $LUSTRE_HOME/bin/segfaulter
139            # <-- exit code

In the execution environment of a compute cluster, it is important to monitor the runtime requirements of an application as well as the runtime behavior of the application itself. This information will help to determine problems occurring during job execution. User can implement environment checks and basic application monitoring within an application wrapper script.


function puts() {
  echo \[$(date +%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S)\] "$@"

uid=$(id -u)

puts JOB CONFIGURATION ----------------------
scontrol show job -d -o $SLURM_JOB_ID
puts JOB CONFIGURATION END ------------------
puts JOB ENVIRONMENT ------------------------
env | grep ^SLURM_
puts JOB ENVIRONMENT END --------------------
puts NUMA CONFIGURATION ----------------------
lscpu | grep -e '^Model name' -e '^NUMA node[0-9]'
puts NUMA CONFIGURATION END ------------------


# Generate defined load on the execution node
command="srun -- $@"


puts EXEC $command
$command &

# The process ID of the last spawned child process
sleep 1 # wait for start-up
puts PROCESSES -------------------------------
ps -u $USER -o user,pid,cpuid,args -H
puts PROCESSES END ---------------------------

puts WAIT PID $child
wait $child
# Exit signal of the child process
puts EXIT $state
# Propagate last signal to the system
exit $state

For the following example, we store the code above in a file called generic-wrapper and use it to monitor the segfaulter program during execution. The segfaulter program is passed as first argument to the generic-wrapper, which will execute it using srun 4.

# make the wrapper script executable
chmod +x $LUSTRE_HOME/generic-wrapper

# use the wrapper script to launch the segfaulter program
sbatch --partition debug \
       --job-name segfaulter \
       --chdir $LUSTRE_HOME 
       --no-requeue \
       -- $LUSTRE_HOME/generic-wrapper \

In the job standard output (cf. I/O redirection) you will find following information:

  • The runtime configuration of the job in Slurm including:
    • Submit node and submit time
    • Slurm job id with partition and account details
    • Start time, working directory, output streams
    • Resource allocation details, including execution node(s)
  • The Slurm environment variables available during job execution
  • The hardware NUMA architecture
  • The application launch command executed
  • The application process ID, and a process tree during runtime
  • Exit code of the program

The information described above will be instrumental to report-issues to the cluster support group.


  1. sinfo Manual Page, SchedMD↩︎


  3. Segmentation Fault, Wikipedia↩︎

  4. srun Manual Page, SchedMD↩︎